Standar Ganda Abad Ini: Kesetiaan, Demokrasi, dan Religiusitas (The Double Standards of this Century: Loyalty, Democracy, and Religiosity)


Claim: Banyak pria bersumpah setia pada istrinya bahwa akan setia selama-lamanya. Men pledge oaths of loyalty to their wives

Reality: Beberapa bulan kemudian, banyak yang tertangkap tangan sedang berselingkuh dan ditemukan sudah berselingkuh sejak berbulan-nulan lalu. Months later, many were caught cheating red handed and was found to have been cheating since months ago.


Setia bukan berarti tidak selingkuh, atau ada orang setia yang selingkuh. Loyalty does not mean not cheating, or some loyal people cheat.

Ada yang mengklaim setia, padahal sebenarnya tidak setia. Klaim palsu! Some falsely claim loyalty, while they are not loyal.


Claim: Seorang pemimpin negara mengumumkan bahwa negaranya bersistem demokrasi. Negara tersebut menerapkan trias politika, pemilu langsung untuk memilih presiden dan anggota parlemen. A leader of a state announces that the state is a democratic one. That state applies trias politica, direct voting to elect the president and parliament members.

Reality: Secara sistematik dan dengan menggunakan kekuatan militer, pemerintah tersebut mengancam masyarakatnya. Kalau tidak memilih partai penguasa, awas! Partai-partai lain ada hanya untuk formalitas, dan calon presiden yang mereka dukungpun adalah calonnya partai penguasa. Systematically and with military power, the government threatens the people. Dont you dare choose other than the ruling party! Other political parties are there for formality, and they support none other than the ruling party’s presidential candidate anyways.


Demokrasi adalah sistem yang menindas rakyatnya dan tidak ada bedanya dengan sistem diktator kecuali ‘struktur’. Democracy oppresses the people and has no difference with a dictatorship except the alleged structure.

Ini klaim demokrasi palsu. Cuma klaim saja, padahal kenyataannya ini bukan demokrasi. This is a fake democracy. It is a mere (false) claim, while the reality is that this is not a democracy.


Claim: Seorang pria berjenggot bercelana cingkrang dan selalu memakai baju koko dan peci, selalu menasehati orang lain dalam kebaikan dengan sesekali mengutip Qur’an dan hadist, dan selalu menyelip-nyelipkan bahasa arab dalam bicaranya seperti: ane, ente, mashaaAllah, inshaaAllah, subhanAllah, Alhamdulillaah, dll. A man with a beard with trousers above his ankles and always wears koko (some sort of Indonesian clothing commonly associated with the most practicing Muslims), always advises his peers in goodness occasionally citing the Qur’an and Hadith, and always slips in some Arabic phrases in his conversations, e.g. ana, anta, mashaaAllah, subhanAllah, Alhamdulillah, etc.

Reality: This man does not like to give charity, worked for the court and took bribery, has now become a parliament member who won through bribery and fraud, and advocates policies that his ‘sponsors’ demand.


Bisa saja seseorang itu religius tapi perilakunya buruk. One can be religious while at the same time being a bad person.

Dia cuma mengaku dan sok religius saja, padahal tidak religius. Semacam serigala berbulu domba. He only falsely claims and makes an outward impression of religiosity. An impostor. 

(artikel lain dalam topik ini/another article in this topic: Being Religious Doesn’t Mean You Are a Good Person?)