Assalaamu’alaykum semuanya, Kuliah PLKH Hukum Humaniter Internasional pada tanggal 24 Februari 2015 akan kosong kecuali ada pengumuman lain. Sesuai janji saya, berikut di bawah ini adalah skenario untuk Humanitarian Law Moot Court yang akan kita lakukan. Saya akan menunggu daftar kelompok (tiga orang per kelompok, kecuali terpaksa sekali baru boleh ada satu kelompok yang berdua)
This is a poem by Professor James Crawford, who is one of the most famous and prominent international jurist in the world today, from the University of Cambridge, and was first presented during a lecture at the Hague Academy of International Law. —————————— While wandering through a wadi In the wastes of Saudi I came
Dear beloved students of International Law (Class A), Your grades have been submitted to the secretariat of IUP on Thursday, April 4th, 2013, around 11 am. I do not know when will it be announced, but I hope you will soon get them. I congratulate those who have achieved good scores. Good job, and I
Dear beloved students of International Law (Class A), Your grades have been submitted to the secretariat of IUP on Thursday, April 4th, 2013, around 11 am. I do not know when will it be announced, but I hope you will soon get them. I congratulate those who have achieved good scores. Good job, and I
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