This is a topic I have discussed in twitter. But I shall discuss it again here. It is about the law, justice, and how the public perceive it. Just recently, I received a Blackberry Broadcast message stating how funny Indonesian law is. How so many corruptors are either not proven guilty or sentenced very low,
This is a topic I have discussed in twitter. But I shall discuss it again here. It is about the law, justice, and how the public perceive it. Just recently, I received a Blackberry Broadcast message stating how funny Indonesian law is. How so many corruptors are either not proven guilty or sentenced very low,
Finally, here goes the new chapter of Legend of Legend! I hope you like it ^_^ ———————————————- CHAPTER 3 THE SCHERDUKE Setelah cukup lama menempuh perjalanan di atas kereta kuda bersama Pangeran Andry, menembus hutan-hutan, menaiki bukit dan menuruni banyak lembah, melewati padang rumput, berpapasan dengan beberapa orang atau hewan liar, mereka tiba dekat perbatasan
Guys, finally here goes: Chapter two! CHAPTER 2 THE EXPLOSSION Kisah dimulai dari sebuah kota besar di Devilmare. Kota ini adalah kota terbesar Devilmare walaupun bukan ibukotanya. Nama kota ini adalah Birberisa. Kota ini adalah pusat dagang. Namun nyaris tak ada pedagang dari luar negeri, sebab tentu saja mereka tak boleh masuk. Hampir semuanya pedagang
This is a novel I once wrote quite a long time ago, and I just recently took the time to edit it (format and language-wise, I do not want to edit much of the substance because it is a reminder of how I used to think like. It is in bahasa indonesia. I have actually
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