Awake is a film directed by Joby Harold in 2007, stars Hayden Christensen, Jessica Alba, Terrence Howard, and Lena Olin. I would say that the story is just another good movie. But morals we get from it, is extremely deep and against quite the popular belief. The story: Hayden is a rich young businessman who
Al-Quran is not Muhammad PBUH’s words of his own. It is words of Allah SWT Himself. And as natural as it can get, it is full of nothing but miracles. Not only for moslems, but for the whole world Al Qalam 52: “When it is naught else than a Reminder to creation.” Saba 028: “And
“Gesang dalem sampun jangkep kajawi kalih. Dalem taksih mboten gadhah isining diri lan estunipun manah. Dalem tansah nyuwun pirsa dateng Gusti Ingkang Murbeing Dumadi ananging ngantos samenika mboten wonten jawabipun kajawi saking usahanipun dalem piyambak.” ——————————————————- “Dalem mboten mangertos saking pundi dalem kedah madosi jatining dhiri lan estunipun manah saking pundi dalem kedah madosi jatining
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