Achieving an Honest Comparison and Reconciliation between Islamic Laws of War and International Humanitarian Law
Assalaamu’alaykum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh,
Alhamdulillah, this is my first paper on Islamic law and International law published in a scientific law journal, which is the Mimbar Hukum Law Journal, Vol. 27 (3), 2015.
InshaaAllah this is just the opening of my planned research on Islamic law and International Humanitarian Law specifically, and Islamic law and International Law generally. I would really appreciate it if you can provide feedback to it, and I also welcome collaborations for future researches.
The original title of the paper is “Achieving an Honest Comparison and Reconciliation between Islamic Laws of War and International Humanitarian Law”, however Mimbar Hukum Law Journal has a policy that English titles must be 10 words maximum. I therefore shrunk the title to this: “Achieving an Honest Reconciliation: Islamic and International Humanitarian Law”.
I hereby paste the abstract here, and below it is a link to access the paper (it is readable online and downloadable for free).
Achieving an Honest Reconciliation: Islamic and International Humanitarian Law
Fajri Matahati Muhammadin
The compatibility between Islamic law and international law has been a long lasting source of both academic discussion and social friction. This includes the Islamic laws on conduct of war (IsHL), especially in context of the Middle East conflicts. This article explores how there are two extreme opinions: ‘Islamophobes’ and apologists –both of them being dishonest. It will be shown that there are multi-level possibilities of relations between IsHL and International Humanitarian Law including possible incompatibilities, and that an ijma is a good room for reconciliation.