Author: Fajri Matahati Muhammadin

Polygamy: Some Misconception within Clarifications

Assalaamu’alaykum everyone, Polygamy has been one of the controversial topics within Islam, which scholars have explained the dalil as well as the hikmah of it from the Qur’an and the Sunnah. Allah Knows Best, but it may seem that some Muslims understood this incorrectly, so I wish to repeat what I know from my knowledge of the Qur’an

Islam and Human Rights: Why do we care if something is incompatible?

Assalaamu’alaykum! While Islamic law may seem generally compatible with human rights, the truth is there are some points that are definitely incompatible. Woman rights, for instance, “different but equal” is still “discrimination” under the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). However, what I want to convey is that us Muslims do NOT

Etiquette of Argument and Discussion from the Sunnah

  Assalaamu’alaykum,   This post is especially dedicated for everyone who are (or think they are) in intellectual circles who enjoy discussion and argument. I speak out of my 11 years experience in competitive parliamentary debating, where I have attended numerous local, national, and international competitions as participant but mostly as judge, and taught at

Etiquette of Argument and Discussion from the Sunnah

  Assalaamu’alaykum,   This post is especially dedicated for everyone who are (or think they are) in intellectual circles who enjoy discussion and argument. I speak out of my 11 years experience in competitive parliamentary debating, where I have attended numerous local, national, and international competitions as participant but mostly as judge, and taught at