The Believing Sinner Can Enter Jannah? Translated from: Thariqus Shaliheen by Ust. Anshari Taslim (may Allah preserve him), Chapter I: Iman and Aqeedah Translator: Fajri Matahati Muhammadin There are people around us who seem to never miss their shalat, but seem to never miss the opportunity to transgress Allah’s limits. Or, even worse, there are
Iman and Islam: The Main Road to Jannah Translated from: Thariqus Shaliheen by Ust. Anshari Taslim (may Allah preserve him), Chapter I: Iman and Aqeedah Translator: Fajri Matahati Muhammadin Ahmad Wahib, a ‘liberal Islam’ figure, once cast doubts on whether God will put a non-Muslim in hell in his book: Catatan Harian Ahmad Wahib.
Assalaamu’alaykum, Sebetulnya sudah lama berita ini beredar, tapi baru-baru ini muncul lagi di salah satu grup yang saya ikuti jadi pingin saya komentari. Ada sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan oleh seorang Professor dari George Washington University (USA) bernama Hossein Askari, mengenai seberapa islamikah negara-negara Islam. Hasilnya menarik, karena No. 1 justru adalah Irlandia yang secara formal
Imagine sitting on a railway and there is a train coming to your direction through that railway. There are a few people who know the signs of an incoming train (vibration of the railway, sounds, etc), but most people around you did not see the train. ASSUMING THAT THERE REALLY IS A TRAIN COMING YOUR
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