Assalaamu’alaikum warahmatullah wabarakaatu, At this opportunity, inshaaAllah, I would like to share a story about a miracle that can come non other than from Allah Azza wa Jall. It will be a very long post, but Wallaahi, it will be worth a read, inshaaAllah Do not get me wrong, though. He has indeed given
Miracle Miracle To open our eyes and watch the clouds Transforming into rain and drops Tears that wash down through earth’s cheeks To sap through the ocean fulfilling the cycles To name one among millions of miracles The favours of which many have denied . One new miracle came by Outstanding in the eyes of
Assalaamu’alaikum everyone, This post is not intended to justify violence in any way, not even in the name of “defending the dignity of our beloved Prophet s.a.w.” when it comes to reacting towards the Danish cartoon problem. Certainly, Islam does not justify violence in any way other than proportionate self defense (which may be in
I discarded all but one story of romance that has ever been written In Words that cannot be prescribed even with the ink as vast as the ocean In the Lauh Mahfuz where everything in existence has been written I believe with all my faith that I have loved you since the start of creation –
Introduction This post is not intended to preach Islam or anything, or to claim or presume that any other choice is invalid. Neither is it intended to say that everyone’s choice is correct either, a some postmodernists would say. This article is indeed argumentative in nature, but is not intended to argue against anything (although
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