Understanding Islam in the Human Rights Discourse: The Role of “Fundamental Responsibilities” at Islam’s Core By Fajri Matahati Muhammadin Debates on Islam and human rights are always hot and ongoing. It seems that most debates lie on a right-per-right comparison or particular issues in the Muslim world. Some take a more positive approach by
Bagaimana hukumnya pacaran dalam Islam? Menurut Ustadz Wahabi Ammi Nur Baits (hafidzahullah), hukumnya MUBAH. Tapi ada beberapa catatan pula. Selengkapnya silahkan disimak:
“Jika datang kepada kalian seorang pelamar putri kalian yang kalian ridhoi akhlaknya dan agamanya maka nikahkanlah, jika kalian tidak melakukannya maka akan terjadi fitnah (bencana) di muka bumi dan kerusakan yang luas.” (Sabda Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. dalam Jami at-Tirmidzi, Sunan Ibn Majah)
Debates on the Draft Criminal Code is hot as always, including (and especially on) the plans to criminalize fornication and homosexual conduct. Of all the debates concerning the matter, one of the critics towards the criminalization is on the rights to privacy. According to this critic, consensual fornication or homosexual conducts cannot be
Abstract This mini-paper takes context of a Muslim mind in the current discourse of (Western) Universalism versus Exceptionalism/Particularism in international law. Typically an international human rights discussion is at the center of this. I observe that most Muslim international law scholars with righteous aqeedah choose to argue Exceptionalism/Particularism. I argue that, while they may
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