Category: Islam: Submission to Allah

Why I Choose Islam + some changes of stance and clarifications

Introduction This post is not intended to preach Islam or anything, or to claim or presume that any other choice is invalid. Neither is it intended to say that everyone’s choice is correct either, a some postmodernists would say. This article is indeed argumentative in nature, but is not intended to argue against anything (although

Malaikat Setengah Gila di Edinburgh Central Mosque

  Teman-teman sekalian, Dalam blog post kali ini, aku akan membagi sebuah pengalaman yang kudapatkan di Edinburgh Central Mosque. Semoga dengan aku berbagi seperti ini, teman-teman terutama yang muslim, dapat mengambil makna yang baik, inshaaAllah. Aku mungkin pernah cerita betapa menginspirasinya seorang pria di depanku saat shalat tarawih dekat rumah di Jakarta dulu. Dia cacat,