Category: Legacy of the Distant Past

How Indonesia Got Our Freedom: Bambu Runcing

I can remember vividly how my Elementary School teachers used to say this: “Indonesia berhasil memperoleh kemerdekaannya karena kekuatan dan keberanian para pendahulu kita” (Indonesia won its independence through the strength and valor of our ancestors) Well, I dont have problems there. Then it goes on. “Jepang sebenarnya akan memberikan kemerdekaan untuk kita. Tapi kita

How Indonesia Got Our Freedom: Bambu Runcing

I can remember vividly how my Elementary School teachers used to say this: “Indonesia berhasil memperoleh kemerdekaannya karena kekuatan dan keberanian para pendahulu kita” (Indonesia won its independence through the strength and valor of our ancestors) Well, I dont have problems there. Then it goes on. “Jepang sebenarnya akan memberikan kemerdekaan untuk kita. Tapi kita