Category: Train of Thought

Umra: A Few Interesting Incidents and What I can Learn from them

  Assalaamu’alaykum! My first (and hopefully not the last!) umrah was a very VERY beautiful experience. I mean, when you ask in general what was it like, I cannot give you anything that you cannot google. The procedure of umrah has not changed since eternities ago, maybe the architecture has changed much but that is

Etiquette of Speech in Islam: Use of Words

Assalaamu’alaykum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh! Dear all, I have compiled some (but not all) Islamic teachings regarding the etiquettes of speech. I have once made a post on the etiquette of speech discussing in particular the etiquette of discussion especially the undesirability of interrupting others –> find it here). This time inshaaAllah I will list out ayats from

Standar Ganda Abad Ini: Kesetiaan, Demokrasi, dan Religiusitas (The Double Standards of this Century: Loyalty, Democracy, and Religiosity)

CASE 1. KESETIAAN/LOYALTY Claim: Banyak pria bersumpah setia pada istrinya bahwa akan setia selama-lamanya. Men pledge oaths of loyalty to their wives Reality: Beberapa bulan kemudian, banyak yang tertangkap tangan sedang berselingkuh dan ditemukan sudah berselingkuh sejak berbulan-nulan lalu. Months later, many were caught cheating red handed and was found to have been cheating since months ago. Conclusion: Setia bukan berarti tidak selingkuh,

Fatwa Haram Jokowi: Kok Fatwa Ngurusi Politik?

Assalaamu’alaykum, Ada isu menarik nih, yaitu fatwa haramnya memilih Jokowi-JK oleh beberapa ulama. Mengenai substansi fatwa tersebut, saya adalah anti Jokowi tapi tidak sepakat dengan fatwa haramnya memilih dia karena tidak ada bukti Jokowi mengandung babi atau alkohol hehehe (seperti kata Shaykh Dharmawangsa Tunpangkat hehehe). Masalah dalil para Ulama FUUI yang mengatakan bahwa keharaman memilih Jokowi