This is a topic I have discussed in twitter. But I shall discuss it again here. It is about the law, justice, and how the public perceive it. Just recently, I received a Blackberry Broadcast message stating how funny Indonesian law is. How so many corruptors are either not proven guilty or sentenced very low,
This is a topic I have discussed in twitter. But I shall discuss it again here. It is about the law, justice, and how the public perceive it. Just recently, I received a Blackberry Broadcast message stating how funny Indonesian law is. How so many corruptors are either not proven guilty or sentenced very low,
Have you ever thought of what you will do if you suddenly find US $ 1000 Trillion in your room/bank account? Or what if you rubbed a random bottle and suddenly a huge freaky figure pops out of it and says ‘Fee Fi Fo Fum! Thou art my master now! I shalt grant thee three
This was a story of a distant past. Revised in delivery, but story is the same. This was a story during my highschool years in SMA Labschool Jakarta. At that time, Bahasa Indonesia was on 11:45-12:30 (cut by the second break time), and continued 13:15-14:00. I can not remember what day it was: I somehow
How to Adjudicate Wrong Facts Sometimes we may face a problem in adjudicating when two teams present contradictory facts, which would definitely mean that one of those facts is fake (or misanalyzed). Whether the adjudicator truthfully knows the truth or not, both would present different level of problems to the adjudicator in judging the particular
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