Conference Rules Students will enter the room no later than 1.15pm (Session I : June 4th), 3.30pm (Session II: June 4th), and 15am (Session III: June 5th), and will be required to submit their credentials to The President of the Committee. On those times, the committee session will commence. Students will sit together with
Conference Rules Students will enter the room no later than 1.15pm (Session I : June 4th), 3.30pm (Session II: June 4th), and 15am (Session III: June 5th), and will be required to submit their credentials to The President of the Committee. On those times, the committee session will commence. Students will sit together with
Dear all, students of the Law of Treaties. For our session on May 15th, we will discuss about Diplomatic and Consular Immunity. Please research the following: What does “immunity” mean? Please compare the scope of immunity applicable to diplomatic and consular missions! In what capacities can a diplomat or consul attend a court proceeding in
Assalaaamu’alaykum semuanya.. Pertama saya minta maaf karena terlambat mengoreksi dan menilai, sebagian besar karena miskoordinasi sehingga baru sekitar 2-3 hari yang lalu berkas ujian sampai ke saya. Kesalahan bukan di bagian akademik btw, dan jika kita melihat unsur-unsur actus reus dan mens rea, tidak ada yang salah (kisahnya lucu sebetulnya, salah satu kolega saya agak
Assalaamu’alaykum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh, To all students of the Law of the Sea Class, I must apologize for the delay of this announcement. Really, I am very sorry. So many things suddenly came up so here goes. InshaaAllah here will be four presentation sessions, i.e. EEZ on 5 May 2015 (Presenter 1: Yustia) Continental Shelf on
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