1. Imaan is a state of heart, and has various shades depending on it’s strength. 2. Yes, it is imaan and not good deeds that will save us from hellfire 3. However, a man can’t claim to have imaan but not do good deeds 4. To do good deeds are evidences of the existence of
Assalaamu’alaykum everyone, I dont recall when I actually started writing poems, but I know I did write them in Junior Highschool which I started in 1999. As of now, this may very well be among the earliest poems I wrote. Bu Djeniah was my head master in SDNP Kompleks IKIP (Elementary School). She was a
Assalaamu’alaykum everyone. I had an interesting conversation yesterday. The Hadith says that the primary thing to look in a candidate for a wife (or husband) is how they practice their religion. But then, the person asked, what if the person is religious (wears hijab, prays 5 times a day, fasts, etc), but does not have
As goes the story of Thalhah With so much love to Aishah A love forbidden by Allah But he was guaranteed jannah As goes the story of Thalhah Married another woman for Allah While his heart remained for Aishah But he was steadfast for Allah As goes the story of Thalhah Stood by Aishah through
Your sweat pours full of regret You knew it will come to this These questions are very familiar But you have been distracted These questions are very familiar But you have been distracted You had all the time to find the answers It came across you many times What is a few moments feels like
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