A guy in the multi faith talks today said something very interesting. He said that it does not matter whether we believe in the trinity, tawheed, whatever, so long as we can find the virtue in the religious teachings, whatever we call it, theistic or otherwise, its okay. Suggesting that the whole idea of
Assalaamu’alaikum warahmatullah wabarakaatu, At this opportunity, inshaaAllah, I would like to share a story about a miracle that can come non other than from Allah Azza wa Jall. It will be a very long post, but Wallaahi, it will be worth a read, inshaaAllah Do not get me wrong, though. He has indeed given
Miracle Miracle To open our eyes and watch the clouds Transforming into rain and drops Tears that wash down through earth’s cheeks To sap through the ocean fulfilling the cycles To name one among millions of miracles The favours of which many have denied . One new miracle came by Outstanding in the eyes of
Pelajaran dari Lomba Debat: Suatu Kerinduan Kemenangan yang Ajaib Pada tanggal 9-10 November 2013 di King’s College London, saya mengikuti lomba debat bahasa Inggris khusus WNI di United Kingdom (UK) yang diadakan oleh ISIC dan PPI-UK. Di lomba tersebut, saya berpartner dengan Omi Ongge (beasiswa DIKTI, di London Metropolitan University) atas nama Jogja Debating
This is one of the best dishes I have tried to make OMG!!! Here goes! Ingredients 1. Main Ingredients – Chicken thigh or breast or both, poked with a fork thoroughly – Good basmati rice (uncooked) 2. Chicken Marinade (mix everything together) – Water enough to submerge the chicken (or actually, buttermilk is much
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