Food for thought! See if you can answer them. Sorry for bad management of arranging difficulty level 😀 1. Cretan Logic: Mr X was a Cretan poet, and exclaimed the following “ALL Cretans are none but liars!” Question: Are Cretans liars? If it is true that Cretans are liars, then Mr X said the truth.
Ratatouile is a french food, originally vegetarian. I got the original recipe from but it just aint fun if I didnt modify some parts in it. Not so much vegetarian now. It has been tried, and it did taste real awesome! Its just that its a bit troublesome, so I wont cook it too
It has been 5 years since I set foot on this city of angels, Yogyakarta. It is a food heaven with a hell lot of choices. I was astonished, seeing how much choices I had. But time has passed by, and the light has faded. There are but only a few classes of food, and
Saya sudah menjalani banyak kejadian konyol dalam hidup ini. Mungkin saya yang beraura konyol, atau memang Allah SWT begitu cinta pada saya sehingga banyak dikasih ujian. InsyaAllah minimal adalah yang kedua :p Tapi ya, among those all stupidities, ada beberapa insiden yang terkait saya dan penjual (termasuk kasir, waiter restoran, dan lain sebagainya). Diantaranya adalah
To join the 1st Indonesian Model United Nations held in UI (great job guys!!!), applicants must submit a 1700 word maximum essay by the topic of “A Letter for Ban Ki Moon” regarding nuclear and peace, something like that. This is my result. 1 hour to deadline. It involves hard work, a bit. But much
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