And You Are A Million
1. Allah is indeed The One and Only in True #Perfection
2. But marking Him 10 out of the scale of 10 will not give Him justice #Perfection
3. But isn’t 10 out of the scale of 10 already #Perfection ?
4. Think of it this way. #Perfection
5. Us, humans, are failable. We are imperfect. #Perfection
6. If we are imperfect, our standards are also imperfect. #Perfection
7. And in such imperfection of standard, we come up with a maximum scale of 10. #Perfection
8. I cannot confine Him to an imperfect scale of 10. #Perfection
9. Contrary to public belief, there is no 11 out of the scale of 10. Cz a scale of 10 means 10 is the limit to our countability. #Perfection
10. (If we assume a scale of 10, that is. Works with any number, really) #Perfection
11. Anything beyond that scale is what we call ‘infinitive’, ‘unlimited’, or ‘beyond limit’. That is where Allah is. #Perfection
12. Stretch the scale to whatever, there will always be a ‘beyond limit’. Or, a ‘Beyond Limit’. #Perfection
13. Bearing in mind our imperfection, and that Allah is ‘beyond the scale of 10’. A 10 out of a scale of 10 is very human. #Perfection
14. For me, you are that 10 out of a scale of 10 🙂 #Perfection
15. And you are a million 🙂 #Perfection