Month: March 2014

Miracles in Edinburgh: Life after “Death”, and I Didn’t Mean the Hereafter

  Assalaamu’alaikum warahmatullah wabarakaatu, At this opportunity, inshaaAllah, I would like to share a story about a miracle that can come non other than from Allah Azza wa Jall. It will be a very long post, but Wallaahi, it will be worth a read, inshaaAllah Do not get me wrong, though. He has indeed given

Pelajaran dari Lomba Debat: Suatu Kerinduan

Pelajaran dari Lomba Debat: Suatu Kerinduan   Kemenangan yang Ajaib Pada tanggal 9-10 November 2013 di King’s College London, saya mengikuti lomba debat bahasa Inggris khusus WNI di United Kingdom (UK) yang diadakan oleh ISIC dan PPI-UK. Di lomba tersebut, saya berpartner dengan Omi Ongge (beasiswa DIKTI, di London Metropolitan University) atas nama Jogja Debating

Resep Asik Fajri: Tuyums Rempong Fried Chicken Rice

This is one of the best dishes I have tried to make OMG!!! Here goes!   Ingredients 1. Main Ingredients –          Chicken thigh or breast or both, poked with a fork thoroughly –          Good basmati rice (uncooked) 2. Chicken Marinade (mix everything together) –          Water enough to submerge the chicken (or actually, buttermilk is much