April 22, 2015
Announcement: Law of the Sea [UPDATED]
Assalaamu’alaykum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh, To all students of the Law of the Sea Class, I must apologize for the delay of this announcement. Really, I am very sorry. So many things suddenly came up so here goes. InshaaAllah here will be four presentation sessions, i.e.
- EEZ on 5 May 2015 (Presenter 1: Yustia)
- Continental Shelf on 12 May 2015 (Presenter 1: Abdila Alfath)
- Protection and Preservation of the Marine Environment on 26 May 2015 (Presenter 1: Rana, Presenter 2: Nabila)
- Dispute Settlement on 2 June 2015* (Presenter 1: Thara Wahab, Presenter 2: Kay Jessica)
Each session will be open for 2 presenters, which will be given a big advantage for their final grades. PS: we will have a final exam btw, but it will mostly be questions relevant to your works. Remember that each presentation should bear (beruang) in mind the following:
- Presentations are individual
- Presentations will take specific topic within the theme given, it is encouraged that it relates to your home country (no specific rewards, but it would just be nice)
- For those interested, email me (fajri.matahati@gmail.com) the following:
- Which date do you wish to fill in
- What is the theme of that session (by filling in the date then we will actually know what the theme is but just please
- What specific topic do you have in mind for that theme (it can be tentative)
- Only a total of 8 persons can do the presentation: first come first serve. I will update the blog with the presenters list.
- Each presentation should last for 20-25 minutes, and we will have a 15-20 minutes Q/A session
*2 June is Waisak, so it will be a holiday. We will try find another time to replace it.