Assalaamu’alaykum, This post is especially dedicated for everyone who are (or think they are) in intellectual circles who enjoy discussion and argument. I speak out of my 11 years experience in competitive parliamentary debating, where I have attended numerous local, national, and international competitions as participant but mostly as judge, and taught at
Assalaamu’alaykum, This post is especially dedicated for everyone who are (or think they are) in intellectual circles who enjoy discussion and argument. I speak out of my 11 years experience in competitive parliamentary debating, where I have attended numerous local, national, and international competitions as participant but mostly as judge, and taught at
1. Imaan is a state of heart, and has various shades depending on it’s strength. 2. Yes, it is imaan and not good deeds that will save us from hellfire 3. However, a man can’t claim to have imaan but not do good deeds 4. To do good deeds are evidences of the existence of
Assalaamu’alaykum everyone. I had an interesting conversation yesterday. The Hadith says that the primary thing to look in a candidate for a wife (or husband) is how they practice their religion. But then, the person asked, what if the person is religious (wears hijab, prays 5 times a day, fasts, etc), but does not have
Assalaamu’alaykum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh So once in a while, I get some views from Israel. I wonder, what from my blog would interest someone from Israel? A very good friend of mine told me that it might either be an Israeli or Palestinian (and wordpress labels the entire region as Israel, perhaps? Allaahu’alam). Well, either ways,
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