Assalaamu’alaikum everyone! this is a much lighter post of mine. InshaaAllah a recipe will come next. But for now, this is just a little story about me, my room mate, and our room. So yes, I share a room with a guy called Chiraag Lala from India. He is taking a masters degree in the
Ladies and Gentlemen, today I have a story for you. Its a true story that happened around 1995, when I was in 3rd Grade of Elementary School. This year was a very significant year for me, because at that time I could finally attend a full academic year and able to speak in Bahasa Indonesia
Have you ever thought of what you will do if you suddenly find US $ 1000 Trillion in your room/bank account? Or what if you rubbed a random bottle and suddenly a huge freaky figure pops out of it and says ‘Fee Fi Fo Fum! Thou art my master now! I shalt grant thee three
This was a story of a distant past. Revised in delivery, but story is the same. This was a story during my highschool years in SMA Labschool Jakarta. At that time, Bahasa Indonesia was on 11:45-12:30 (cut by the second break time), and continued 13:15-14:00. I can not remember what day it was: I somehow
What are the characteristics of my ideal pet? 1. Can be hugged, one way or another 2. Is cute, and can be very aware how cute he/she is 3. Can find itself something to eat 4. Can help me win a “ride-your-pet” race 5. Good in playing “Fetch” 6. Can defend me against debt collectors
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