INTRODUCTION Fiqh al-Siyar is usually described as “Islamic international law.” In classical literature, scholars usually describe fiqh al-siyar as the legal rules regulating how the Dar al-Islam (Islamic nation) interacts with other nations, although some specify the definition to include only war. These classical works, such as Imam Shaybani’s (d.106 H) Siyar al-Kabir, is dominated
This article was taken from a thread by Ust. Mahmoud Al-Masri (from the USA) which was to refute another thread. This other thread (which he refuted) has been deleted, but the relevant refuted tweets are cited below. I hope this is beneficial for all, and may Allah shower his blessings towards Ust. Ustadh Mahmoud and
Journal publication is now increasingly becoming a requirement for graduation for postgraduate students, as well as for promotion for academics and researchers. However, for students especially, journal publication is something difficult and unknown. So many people have asked me many questions about journal publication, and I find that many of these questions are recurring. Therefore,
Setelah lumayan lama vakum, akhirnya muncul Bagian 3 dari Cerbung “Selamat Tinggal, Pak Kasim!” yang berjudul “Dasar Pakde!!” yang diambil dari sudut pandang Bi Nunung. Selamat membaca!
Zaman kuliah S1 dulu pada mata kuliah Hukum Lingkungan Internasional kami ditugaskan mereview artikel jurnal tentang hukum internasional dan hewan. Saya memilih mereview tulisan tentang Animal Rights berjudul “On the Destiny of Deer Camps and Duck Blinds: The Rise of Animal Rights Movements and the Future of Wildlife Conservation” oleh Robert M. Muth, dan Wesley
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