Assalaamu’alaykum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh, inshaaAllah dalam tulisan kali ini saya akan mencoba menjelaskan selayang pandang tentang Surah Al Faatihah. Mungkin semacam tafsir, yang saya sarikan dari kitab tafsir terutama Tafsir ibn Kathir dan juga Ustadz yang saya percaya ilmunya (misalnya Ustadz Nouman Ali Khan, Imam Suhaib Webb, Yahya Barry, etc). Ilmu saya sendiri masih sangat
The waves of the moonlight has beamed over such a great distance, as it passes through the window and fell upon the empty wall. Still, it did not attract her. All she can see is darkness ahead of her. The dark of night absent the stars and moon, which are actually not absent, has engulfed
The waves of the moonlight has beamed over such a great distance, as it passes through the window and fell upon the empty wall. Still, it did not attract her. All she can see is darkness ahead of her. The dark of night absent the stars and moon, which are actually not absent, has engulfed
Assalaamu’alaykum, Kisah ini datang dari masa saya masih SD akhir, dan adik saya SD awal. Adik saya saat itu sudah belajar caranya wudhu dan shalat, tapi ternyata berhasil saya kerjai. This story came from my days in elementary school. I was in my last years, while my sister was in her early years. At that
Assalaamu’alaykum, Kisah ini datang dari masa saya masih SD akhir, dan adik saya SD awal. Adik saya saat itu sudah belajar caranya wudhu dan shalat, tapi ternyata berhasil saya kerjai. This story came from my days in elementary school. I was in my last years, while my sister was in her early years. At that
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