III ENGLISH DEBATING AND JOGJA DEBATING FORUM Rolling back to 2005, announcements of reregistration to complete my position in UGM Department of Physics. Even before fully entering the faculty, I have already participated in UGM English Debating Society practices. I called out to the indodebaters mailing list
IV THE FACULTY OF LAW Finally, I entered the faculty of my dreams. Learning from my mistake two years earlier, I actually tried my best to study. I planned to dedicate the last three months to study but that didnt happen. But on the last two weeks,
V In The End, At The Start Glancing back to life in Jogja, a mixture of millions of different emotions fill my mind. I am now entering a very different phase of life and moving to an entirely different world –this time completely detached from that previous
V In The End, At The Start Glancing back to life in Jogja, a mixture of millions of different emotions fill my mind. I am now entering a very different phase of life and moving to an entirely different world –this time completely detached from that previous
Finally, Chapter 15 is out! Enjoooy!!!! ^_^ ^_^ —————————————————————————————————————————————————————– CHAPTER 15 LETHIFOLD Marino membagi pasukannya menjadi empat bagian. Dari 400.000 prajurit, dia memisahkan 100.000 untuk menyerang Gallowmere dari utara, yaitu dari Grandminister, yang akan bertanggung jawab adalah Pandecca. 100.000 lain akan lakukan serangan dari wilayah Xenfod yaitu dari arah barat. Phalus yang
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