Resep Asik Fajri: Nasi Goreng Giok
This is a new recipe I tried, inspired by The Real Master Cooking Boy.
Its nice n healthy, so go ahead and try 🙂

Ingredients are (but not limited to)
1. Garlics
2. Margarine/Butter
3. Salt
4. Sesame Oil
5. Oyster Sauce
6. PEPPAAAAH!!! LO’S, and LO’S, of PEPPAAAAH!!!!! Or blackPEPPAAAH would also be nice :3
7. Onions
8. Shitake, and/or other kinds of mushrooms
9. Brokoli
10. Sawi
11. Green peas
12. Leeks
13. Eggs
14. rice.
I do not mention any quantity, as you may adjust them all to taste. This is the preparation stage.
1. Mash up the garlics
2. shave the brocolli (use the ‘hair’, not the branches), dice the onions, put them all in a bowl along with most of the peas.
3. Stir fry the shitake (and other mushrooms) for 1-2 minutes with a bit of butter, PEPPAH, sesame oil, and oyster sauce, put it in a sepparate container.
4. Take the leaves of the Sawi (you wont need the branches), add some peas (perhaps 3-4 table spoons of peas), then mash them up with food processor or do some sport with a huge cobek, until you get a mushy icky lump of green substance with Chlorophil all over it, as much as needed to fit just enough in your palm.
And here goes the cooking process.
1. melt the butter/margarine, and add the mashed garlic till it smells awesome.
2. Stir in the egg/s, and fry for a bit, then stir in the rice.
3. Put in the green stuff, then mix well, till rice turns green.
4. Add salt, oyster sauce, sesame oil, and PEPPAAA, to taste.
5. Put in the rest of the stuff in, and mix well until ready to serve.
Enjoooy <3
For other original or modified recipes, check here