Here goes Chapter 17! —————————————————————————- CHAPTER 17 LUCIFER ARISE Mortwood telah membentuk pemerintahan baru dan mengubah sistemnya menjadi republik. Devilmare yang baru saja dihancurkan, telah menjadi kerajaan baru, dengan nama baru, dan berdiri sebagai jajahan Eleador. Michael Rafdarov menjadi raja baru di kerajaan yang kini bernama Luminaire dan hubungannya sebagai jajahan Eleador hanya sebatas
To be fair and honest, this is not an original recipe. I adapted this from a few recipes I found online. Most of them recommended me to use lager or beer also as mixture, but since consuming alcoholic beverages is against my belief (in whatever way other than for emergency) so it will not be
To be fair and honest, this is not an original recipe. I adapted this from a few recipes I found online. Most of them recommended me to use lager or beer also as mixture, but since consuming alcoholic beverages is against my belief (in whatever way other than for emergency) so it will not be
The next chapter is out! Enjoooy ^_^ —————————————————————————————————— CHAPTER 16 FALL OF DEVILMARE Marino memerintahkan agar tempat kubah tadi muncul dipasangi perangkap dengan berbagai jenis yang tiap buahnya amat berbahaya. Selain itu, area itu dibuat terlarang bagi siapapun. Jadi jika Rafdarov muncul lagi di situ, yang pertama akan terjadi adalah dia akan jatuh ke
LEAVING? A few weeks ago I went to Jogja urgently to deal with my graduation bureaucracy. It was very strange to, after living there for seven whole years, to stroll the streets as a visitor. Passing places that I used to regularly visit and see felt so strange. It felt like it has been a
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