I have read this book for a while, actually. This my review on it: The term “intellectual” is a fascinating, fancy, yet an elusive one. There seem to be endless understandings towards this term, and from it flows an endless trend of ‘intellectualism’. However, as time goes by I cant help but become uncomfortable. As
Very recently a Ph.D Student from Bangladesh came to me and asked some questions regarding his research on inter-faith marriage in Bangladesh, with comparative analysis to a few other countries including Indonesia. There are a few questions which I think I need to share to clarify possible misunderstandings by non-Indonesians who are learning about Indonesian
Selama beberapa minggu ini, di media sosial banyak beredar selebaran bertuliskan “punish a kafir”. Sebagian selebaran tersebut menyebutkan sebuah tanggal untuk aksi tersebut, yaitu 3 April 2018. Entah ini hoax atau bukan, tapi masifnya penyebaran selebaran ini dan banyaknya track record kekerasan agama oleh orang-orang fanatik membuat ini tetap mengkhawatirkan.
Belum lama ini ada kejadian menarik yang terjadi kepada saya, kaitannya dengan submisi tulisan saya kepada sebuah jurnal ilmiyah yang akan saya sebut dengan Jurnal X. Barangkali ini bisa menjadi diskursus menarik terkait jurnal ilmiah dan self-plagiarisme. Agak panjang sedikit so please bear with me ya hehehe
Understanding Islam in the Human Rights Discourse: The Role of “Fundamental Responsibilities” at Islam’s Core By Fajri Matahati Muhammadin Debates on Islam and human rights are always hot and ongoing. It seems that most debates lie on a right-per-right comparison or particular issues in the Muslim world. Some take a more positive approach by
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