This is a new recipe I tried, inspired by The Real Master Cooking Boy. Its nice n healthy, so go ahead and try 🙂 Ingredients are (but not limited to) 1. Garlics 2. Margarine/Butter 3. Salt 4. Sesame Oil 5. Oyster Sauce 6. PEPPAAAAH!!! LO’S, and LO’S, of PEPPAAAAH!!!!! Or blackPEPPAAAH would also be nice
I can remember vividly how my Elementary School teachers used to say this: “Indonesia berhasil memperoleh kemerdekaannya karena kekuatan dan keberanian para pendahulu kita” (Indonesia won its independence through the strength and valor of our ancestors) Well, I dont have problems there. Then it goes on. “Jepang sebenarnya akan memberikan kemerdekaan untuk kita. Tapi kita
I can remember vividly how my Elementary School teachers used to say this: “Indonesia berhasil memperoleh kemerdekaannya karena kekuatan dan keberanian para pendahulu kita” (Indonesia won its independence through the strength and valor of our ancestors) Well, I dont have problems there. Then it goes on. “Jepang sebenarnya akan memberikan kemerdekaan untuk kita. Tapi kita
What are the characteristics of my ideal pet? 1. Can be hugged, one way or another 2. Is cute, and can be very aware how cute he/she is 3. Can find itself something to eat 4. Can help me win a “ride-your-pet” race 5. Good in playing “Fetch” 6. Can defend me against debt collectors
British Parliamentary offers a very huge challenge for both debaters and adjudicators. So much more strategic and tactical considerations should be made beside simple argumentative comparisson. Four teams to compare qualitatively is definitely heavier than just finding the better of two. Instead of “win” or “lose”, they have Rank 1-4 (I usually say this as
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